Power IBM i Fundamental Training (3 days)
This Fundamentals Training is designed specifically for customers who are looking for a more hands-on, personalized MT-C training experience. This course will lay the foundation of the OS400 administration and it is designed for end-users, operators and administrators.
This course enables a new system operator to develop basic to intermediate level skills needed for day-to-day operations of the Power System with IBM i. Specifically, the course explains how to:
- Use the online help and references
- Send, display, and reply to messages
- Monitor and control jobs, devices, and job and output queues
- Start and stop the system
- Create and change user profiles
- Use authorization lists and group profiles
- Manage system configuration
- Save and restore objects, libraries, and the system
- Monitor job and history logs
- Diagnose a system problem
- Order, receive, and apply PTFs
- Perform all of these functions using a 5250 emulation session as well as IBM i Access Client Solutions and IBM Navigator for i
- Hands-on exercises reinforce the lecture topics and prepare the student to successfully operate a Power System with IBM i.
Power IBM i BRMS Workshop (2 days)
This BRMS Training is designed specifically for customers who are looking for a more hands-on, personalized MT-C training experience. This course will lay the BRMS administration and it is designed for data protection operators and administrators.
This course covers the features and functions supported by Backup Recovery and Media Services (BRMS). BRMS is an integrated and comprehensive tool for managing backup, recovery, archive, and retrieval operations for a single Power system with IBM i or multiple systems with IBM i at a site or across a BRMS Network. The lectures describe how to perform the supported functions when using a 5250 emulation session, when using System i Navigator, and when using IBM Navigator for i. Students will then have the opportunity to practice in lab exercises what they have learned in lecture. Specifically, the objectives of this course are:
- Describe the major features and functions of BRMS
- List the steps to install BRMS on a single system or in a BRMS Network environment
- Implement a previously defined backup and recovery strategy using BRMS
- Implement a previously defined archival and retrieval plan, including dynamic retrieval, using BRMS
- Explain how to utilize a tape drive, tape library system, virtual tape, and optical drive with BRMS
- Implement and use BRMS using the green screen, System i Navigator, and IBM Navigator for i